Practice can be regarded as a time for private musical growth, adventure and pleasure. It is not intended to be a performance, a punishment or a chore. Students will be expected to practice every day! 20 to 30 minutes for beginning students. Intermediate to advanced students a minimum of 45 minutes a day. In addition to repertoire, daily preparation may include technique work, theory, sight-reading, and listening. The parent can assist the student in planning a regular block of time, which can be devoted to the piano without interruption or competing noise. Please take time each day to ask your child what it was he enjoyed or worked on especially hard that day. Your interest and support cannot be emphasized enough! Someday, he will thank you for making him "stick with it". (I'm speaking from personal experience here!)
Have your child play often for family and friends. Your interest and praise will go a long way in helping your child and the teacher. Yes, there are recitals! You should plan on at least two recitals a year. Dates, times and locations to be determined.
Tuition is due at the beginning of the first lesson each month. A fee of $10 will be added to any late payments unless other arrangements have been made. Tuition may be raised annually. Monthly tuition for the months of September through June, regardless of the number of lessons received during the month is as follows:
In My Home: $100 per month for a weekly, 30 minute lesson
In Your Home: $120 per month for a weekly, 30 minute lesson
I strongly recommend you continue lessons through out the summer. Experience has shown me that a summer vacation from music lessons sets the child back almost as much as he has gained.
It is assumed that the student has ready access to a full, 88 key piano in good repair. The piano should be tuned at least once a year by a qualified technician. Musicians can become easily discourage if they are not able to produce a pleasing sound. It is strongly advised that each student/family have a metronome in good working order.
Music is supplied as needed by the instructor and charged on the next month's tuition. I encourage students to seek out suitable/enjoyable music on their own that they are interested in learning that can be added to their repertoire. I am always available if you have any questions regarding your selections.
Missed Lessons: If your child must miss a lesson because of some emergency, I will try to fit a make-up lesson in during that week, if I have an opening. Make-ups cannot be carried into the following month. Do not schedule meetings, doctor or dentist appointments, swim lessons, field trips, etc. during your child's lesson time - these are not emergencies! The lesson time has been chosen by you and is a firm commitment on your part! I will reschedule or credit on the next months bill only under these circumstances:
• Student vacations of two weeks annually
• Student illnesses of two weeks annually
• If I cancel the lesson
This is a course of study for piano and missed lessons definitely stop the flow of learning. Any lessons that must be cancelled due to my illness or professional engagements will be made up when possible.
Students should not miss lessons except for illness; please notify me by 7pm the night before your scheduled lesson. A damaged finger, hand, or arm does not necessarily mean a cessation of lessons. There are many things we can concentrate on with the uninjured hand, so plan to continue your music study. Also do not cancel because you have not "practiced". I reserve your time and want you to be here for musical work. There is always something to learn, so I trust that you will think carefully before canceling a lesson.
The studio will close during the following times with no discounts given:
• November 23-27, M-F for Thanksgiving
• December 21 - December 25, M-F for Christmas break
• April 6-10, M-F for Spring Break
These policies sound strict but, amazingly, they help to make piano study a priority. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your child's musical adventure. I am committed to providing effective and knowledgeable instruction, suited to the individuals learning style, in an atmosphere of positive encouragement.
The strongest motivation for success is success, which is achieved through regular focused practice, supported by parental encouragement, admiration and

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